Genre: Original new genre CLI-FI Trilogy - Language: US English
Title: "The Missing Link"
It's written along the lines of movies such as "Interstellar", “Armageddon” or "Avatar", merging both scientific discoveries and fairytale pith.
Treatment: The story reveals the cyclicality of life on Earth, through a scientist's drama, generating possible answers for the main universal questions: "Where did we come from, who we are, where are we going", testifying that the aliens we are looking for in the space are actually... us, refugees into space in front of a cataclysm of the ancient past.
Logline: "In an effort to save his dying father, a scientist discovers a way to save humans from underwater extinction, but the world has to start from the beginning. Are the aliens who rebuild it humans too?"
Illustrated trailer:
Genre: Original SCI-FI - Language: US English
Title: "Time Travel Agency"
It’s written along the lines of stories such as “Somewhere in time" and “Déjà vu” merging both drama and action pith. Treatment: The protagonist is not traveling in time like a person itself (as most time travel movies shows), he lives the events like he would be the original memory's owner. Traveling in time is built for replacing the lie detector in order to solve the script's conflict. An accidental discovery in the neurological field, birth both a virtual time travel agency, and a powerful tool for police to catch criminals, traveling through their memories to find the truth. The Travel Agency's slogan is: Some people are living, the others are dreaming!
Logline: “An American scientist accidentally fulfills his goal to discover his father, who is missing since The World War 2, by developing a system for memory travel, after losing his own. When succeeded, his cop friend realizes the discovery's potential in Police investigations”.
Illustrated trailer:
Genre: Original SCI-FI - Language: US English
Title: "The Weeping Woman"
Treatment: It’s an antagonistic story that reveals the love of two men for the same gorgeous woman, a flamenco dancer. Later, one reaches priest and the other drug dealer. Their fight born criminal nature surprises but also ingenuity, but in the end the winner takes it all. “The Weeping Woman” is written along the lines of stories such as “Focus” or "Desperado" merging both drama and action pith.
Logline: “Suspecting his youth friend of betrayal, a priest takes revenge by stealing its money from the drug business. He makes a morbid scenario for this, using the apparent death of his entire family in the cemetery’s graves.”.
Illustrated trailer:
Genre: Original Drama - Series Potential - Language: Romanian
Title: “The Collectors” episode 1 “The gipsy from Valahia"
It’s written along the lines of stories such as “Desperado" merging both drama and action pith.
Treatment: The protagonist is a thief who’s hiding his money in a cemetery, also buying expensive goods and art. The action is set in Romania 2015. When he’s sure he escaped by flying to America, the policeman chasing him understood his scenario; arresting him exactly when he was about to get married.
Logline: “When you got easy money, the pay it back are your values”
Genre: Original Drama Short - Series Potential - Language: Romanian
Title: “The hope comes from across the street”
It’s written along the lines of stories such as “Cast Away" merging both drama and action pith.
Treatment: When a guy was about to commit suicide, his beautiful neighbor's unexpected appearance makes him change his mind. Although in the end it turns out to have been just a misunderstanding, the changes occurred in his life makes the disappointment looks like it was deserved.
Logline: “What if a misunderstanding would save a depressive man to commit suicide?”
Genre: Original Drama - Series Potential - Language: Romanian
Title: “All lies were true” episode 1
It’s written along the lines of stories such as “Liar Liar" merging both drama and action pith.
Treatment: It’s a story about two teenagers living in Bucharest 2005.
They have opposite material situation, as the first one lives in a modest house, the other has a rich one. When the poor one starts to film the underground life near “North train station”, he finds out his friend’s father is not such an honorable man. From here to murder was is just one step, as long as he discovers secret meant to be untold.”
Logline: “A rich life is not always the confortable one.”